Charitable Giving

Create an Opportunity…Invest in Education…

Click Here to Donate Today!

St. Mary’s depends on the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends to sustain the mission.

The Annual Fund is a fundraising drive to support operational and scholarship needs. It provides immediate benefit to students through programs including academics, the arts, faculty professional development, technology and athletics. Revenues from the Annual Fund drive supplement tuition revenues.

St. Mary’s is a registered 501(c)3. Thank you for considering a tax deductible gift to the 2017-18 Annual Fund.


Federal Tax I.D.: 22-153-3515 



Matching Gifts A great way to maximize your donation is through corporate matching gift programs.  If you or your spouse works for a company with a matching gift program, your gift may be doubled or even tripled. Ask your ‘Human Resources’ Department if your company has a matching gift program today.

Honorary or Memorial Gifts Gifts in honor of, or in loving memory of, someone you know are a good way to pay tribute while you are helping support tomorrow’s leaders. When you make a gift, please include the name of the individual being honored/memorialized, in order that the appropriate notifications to the family are made.

Restricted Gifts St. Mary of the Assumption High School (SMHS) is in the midst of phenomenal growth, including new programs, extracurricular activities, after-school initiatives and technology, to name a few. If you are interested in making a restricted gift, please contact the Development Office at (908) 352-4350.

Ways to Give Making a gift to SMHS is easy:

  • You may use your credit card and donate through our website. Donate today!
  • You may donate by check or cash.
  • You may wire stocks or securities.

Gifts by check should be made payable to “St. Mary of the Assumption High School” and mailed to:


St. Mary of the Assumption High School
237 South Broad Street
Elizabeth, NJ, 07202

Attn: Michael Liddy

Article Below Confirms Permanent Giving Incentives.



Charitable Giving Incentives Now Permanent

  1. the IRA charitable rollover, which allows donors aged 70 and 1/2 and above to make tax-free donations of up to $100,000 directly from their IRAs to qualified charities;
  2. enhanced deductions for donations of food inventory; and
  3. enhanced deductions for conservation land easements.

Independent Sector hailed this development as “a monumental victory on Capitol Hill.” “These incentives,” the organization’s three interim co-CEOs wrote, “strengthen the charitable community’s ability to improve American lives and our communities, and ends the sector’s nearly 10-year long struggle to make these incentives a permanent part of the tax code.”

For more information:
Office of Institutional Advancement  
(908) 352-4350, ext. 112

Go Hilltoppers!!!!!