Transcript Request
We are always happy to assist you in your new endeavors. We would be most appreciative if you would provide us with the following:
1. $10.00 processing fee.
2. Year of graduation
3. Full name—especially your maiden name if applicable
4. Complete address of college/business to which you would like your transcript mailed.
5. Telephone Number — we can contact you if there is a question
6. Cell Phone Number
Check is to be made payable to St. Mary of the Assumption High School and mailed to:
Guidance Counselor
St. Mary of the Assumption High School
237 South Broad Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07202
If you have any questions, please call the Guidance Counselor at 908-352-4350
Transcript Request
Class of 1967 50th Reunion
Alumni Directory
Reunion Photos
Golf Classic Photos